Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wow. So I sort of left things hanging with this blog. At some point the process gets to big, unwieldy and fast-moving for me to keep track of it in writing (beyond my trusty notebook). And that's when I always let blog updates lag.

We created THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES OF MATERIAL. From October to March. Good material, mostly. But we had to pare it down to TWENTY-FIVE minutes. And we did. We cut. First large sections, then more surgical incisions were made - little bits (even single gestures) were taken out. We overlapped, increasing visual juxtaposition, filling out the space. We got into a rhythm. And it was great. I've never been so proud of something I've made. I've never felt so rewarded and fulfilled by a process of creation. I was sad when it was over - but it hasn't left my mind these ten months hence.

My next project, Sacre Bleu, or Camembert 8 Euros, has been trickling into being since the summer. It began with some reading, a trip to the Redlight District in Amsterdam, and a residency at Performing Arts Forum in St. Erme France. I workshopped a duet version, with UM alum Tara Sheena at the Micromuseum in October, and now that it is January 2012, I'm planning the next steps. Part of beginning something new is reflecting on what you've done last - and this next project seems a natural continuation of Secret Poets to me. And since (after a long break) I'm about to dive back into the written portion of my thesis, I should have plenty of avenues for reflection.

Here are some images from our dress rehearsal:
Secret Poets of the Crushed Shadows - Photos by Suby Raman

And here are some hastily cobbled together excerpts I needed for a proposal:

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